PS2Q The Alfred Zimberg School Home

The oringinal PS2 building, displayd as brown brick, with a flag in front and various green and pink trees.
The new eddition to the school building, displayed as a gray concrete building with two trees in front of it.

Our Mission

The mission of P.S. 2Q is to provide a solid academic foundation with an emphasis on social-emotional well-being and equity for all. We will maximize the potential of every student and support their individual needs, thereby preparing all students to be the global citizens of tomorrow.

News & Announcements

ewallet flyer

EWALLET for Scholastic Book Fair 2/24-2/28

The Scholastic Book Fair is coming! SAVE THE DATE for 2/24-2/28 and get ready to empower your reader with book choice. Start exploring together:

Family Workshops

Look at the flyers for more information about family workshops from the NYC Public Schools Division of Inclusive and Accessible learning.

Important Dates

This is a friendly reminder that next week marks our midwinter recess, during which school will be closed for the entire week of Monday 17-21. Classes will resume on Monday, February 24, at the usual starting time.

We are thrilled to announce that we will kick off that week with our highly anticipated first book fair of the year! The book fair will run from Monday, February 25, through Friday, February 28, in room 345. Students will have the opportunity to explore a wide variety of captivating books and unique items, perfect for nurturing their love of reading. Please encourage your child to bring some money if they wish to make purchases.

Additionally, we warmly invite all parents to join us for the book fair on Wednesday, February 26, from 5:00 PM to 6:15 PM, right before our PTA meeting. The PTA meeting will follow at 6:30 PM, also held in person in the cafeteria.

Lastly, Tuesday, February 25, marks the 100th day of school, and PS2 will be celebrating this milestone! We encourage students and staff to come dressed to look like they are 100 years old.

We look forward to seeing you there and wish everyone a wonderful recess!
Flyer for RFA week

Student Council presents Respect for All Week!

We are excited to announce our Respect for All Week! Each day will have a special theme:
Monday: Twinning Day
Tuesday: Teamwork Day
Wednesday: Wacky Wednesday
Thursday: Celebrate Your Culture Day
Friday: Share Love and Kindness Day

Please join us for a fun Spirit Week!
See flyer for more information.

Upcoming Events


21st Century Learning

Our new extension houses a brand new state of the art pre-school that includes both 3K and Pre-K. The 3rd floor of our extension houses our brand new enrichment center! We have a fully equipped visual arts room, dance studio, music room, and advanced STEM Lab. With grants, our students receive dance and music. Our full-time art teacher and STEM teacher have programs that are leading our children to being creative global citizens of tomorrow!