We are so excited for the new school year to begin!
The fIrst day of school is Thursday, September 5th. The doors on 21st Avenue near 75th Street open at 7:30 am for K-5 students eating breakfast. Kindergarten students (not eating breakfast) may enter through the side door on 76th street beginning at 8:00 am. 3K & Pre-K students will enter on 75th street with their parent beginning at 8:00 am.
*The instructional day begins at 8:00 am. All doors will be closed at 8:10 am except our main entrance door on 75th Street. All late students must enter through there.
**Returning students, please bring your color-coded card that was given with your June report card, and have it visible upon entry, so that we will be able to swiftly place the children at their appropriate class table.
We're looking forward to an INCREDIBLE school year!
Attached you will find our Arrival and Dismissal Procedures.